8 Simple Tricks to Keep Your Book Alive and Kicking

book marketing Jul 04, 2024

Imagine you’ve spent years working on your nonfiction book. You’ve dedicated countless late nights and weekends to perfect every detail. 

When it finally hits the shelves, the reception is amazing. Readers rave about it, and you feel a rush of pride and accomplishment. But over time, the buzz starts to fade. Your once-celebrated book now sits quietly, gathering dust. Sales drop, and you feel a pang of sadness as you see something you put so much love into slowly lose its luster.

But don’t lose hope! There are simple ways to keep your book alive and kicking. 

In this article, I’ll guide you through eight easy strategies to help you keep your book relevant and appealing. so you and your hard work continue to shine.

1. Update Your Content Regularly

Just like food, information can go stale. New facts and discoveries come out all the time, and it’s important to keep your book up-to-date. Here’s how you can do it:


Imagine you wrote a book about climate change five years ago. Since then, there have been many new developments and studies. By updating your book with the latest information, you show your readers that your content is current and trustworthy.

How to Do It:

  • Set a Schedule: Decide how often you will review and update your book. It could be every year or every six months.
  • Use Reliable Sources: Always check new information from reliable sources like scientific journals, reputable news outlets, and experts in the field.

2. Engage with Your Readers

Creating a connection with your readers can make your book more appealing. When readers feel involved, they are more likely to stay interested.


If you wrote a book on cooking, ask your readers to share their favorite recipes or cooking tips. You can include these in future editions or on your website.

How to Do It:

  • Start a Blog: Share stories, updates, and reader contributions on a blog. It keeps the conversation going and adds fresh content.
  • Social Media: Use social media platforms to engage with your readers. Ask for feedback, share updates, and create polls to see what they want more of.

3. Include Interactive Elements

Making your book interactive can keep it exciting and engaging. Think beyond just text on a page.


For a book on gardening, you could include QR codes that link to videos showing how to plant different types of flowers. This adds a dynamic element to your book.

How to Do It:

  • QR Codes and Links: Add QR codes or links to videos, interactive maps, or online quizzes.
  • Workbooks: Include pages where readers can write their thoughts, answers to questions, or plans based on your book’s content.

4. Host Events and Workshops

Events and workshops can bring your book to life. They provide a platform for readers to interact with you and each other.


If your book is about photography, you could host a workshop where readers can learn new techniques and get hands-on experience.

How to Do It:

  • Webinars: Host online webinars where readers can join from anywhere.
  • In-Person Events: Organize local events, book signings, or workshops.

5. Create a Companion Website

A companion website can offer additional content and resources related to your book. It’s a great way to keep your book relevant and provide extra value to your readers.


For a book about healthy living, your website could feature meal plans, workout videos, and articles about the latest health trends.

How to Do It:

  • Content Updates: Regularly update the website with new articles, videos, and resources.
  • Reader Interaction: Include a forum or comment section where readers can ask questions and share their experiences.

6. Use Reader Feedback

Listening to your readers can help you improve your book and keep it fresh. Their feedback can provide valuable insights.


If readers mention that a certain chapter in your history book was confusing, you can revise it for clarity in the next edition.

How to Do It:

  • Surveys and Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews and complete surveys.
  • Act on Feedback: Make changes based on the feedback you receive. It shows that you value your readers’ opinions.

7. Collaborate with Experts

Working with other experts can add new perspectives and insights to your book and help you reach a wider audience.


For a book on mental health, collaborating with psychologists and therapists can add depth and credibility to your content.

How to Do It:

  • Interviews and Guest Chapters: Include interviews with experts or guest-written chapters.
  • Acknowledgments: Recognize the contributions of other experts in your book.

8. Stay Passionate and Curious

Your enthusiasm and curiosity can keep your book exciting. When you are passionate about your topic, it shows in your writing and updates.


If you are writing about technology, stay curious about new gadgets and trends. Share your excitement with your readers through updates and new editions.

How to Do It:

  • Continuous Learning: Keep learning about your topic. Attend workshops, read new books, and stay updated with the latest news.
  • Share Your Journey: Let your readers know what you are learning and discovering. This keeps them engaged and interested.

Keeping your nonfiction book fresh and relevant is not just about updating facts. It’s about engaging with your readers, making the content interactive, and staying passionate about your topic. By following these simple strategies, you can ensure that your book remains exciting and valuable for many more years.

Remember, your readers are your biggest supporters. By involving them in the journey and continuously improving your book, you create a lasting impact and build a loyal audience.