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How to Best Create a Website to Promote Your Book - BM-326

Do you need a book or an author website - or neither?

In this week's episode, "How to Create a Website to Promote Your Book" Pua shares the importance of websites to authors and how entrepreneurs and authors should approach websites in today’s age. 

Websites have been crucial for entrepreneurs and authors since the internet was created. It has been used to promote and share what they have to offer to its consumers. If you are an author, then having a website would surely benefit you, especially when it comes to promoting your book. Pua Pakela is a Hawaii-based digital designer who loves working with bold, gritty, heart-led entrepreneurs with epic products and services to share with the world. 

When you listen to Pua Pakele's wisdom, here's what you'll discover...

  • Should you have a book or an author website?
  • Do you really need a website to promote your book?
  • How to best Interact with your audience as an author 
  • How to best provide value to your readers 
  • Who is the true hero of your book's story

And a whole lot more...

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Read the complete show notes in the transcript!

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Websites have been crucial for entrepreneurs and authors since the internet was created. It has been used to promote and share what they have to offer to its consumers. If you are an author, then having a website would surely benefit you, especially when it comes to promoting your book. Pua Pakela is a Hawaii-based digital designer who loves working with bold, gritty, heart-led entrepreneurs with epic products and services to share with the world. 

 In this week’s episode she shares the importance of websites to authors and how entrepreneurs and authors should approach websites in today’s age. 

 A Book Website or Author Website?


Your book is what you want to put out into the world. We want people to find the book. For Pua, she says that having an author's website is much more effective because consumers are looking for solutions. They want to connect with the person behind the product, no matter what it is. So it is about giving people enough of a glimpse into who you are as people and your experiences, knowledge, expertise, passion, and proven track record. It allows them to decide to opt into purchasing the book.

 Do you actually need a Website? 


Pua says that having a website will essentially be your business's digital reflection. Before investing in a website, it is crucial to have clarity and alignment around who you are, what you do, and who you serve. Without those things, your website will be a very confusing place. What people are looking for right now isn't a website; it's a funnel. To promote a book, look for a way to attract your ideal target audience to a place where they can go on a journey and take action. They're going to land somewhere, which is why it's a landing page. They can read more about you; they can read more about the transformation that they may expect to experience in your book. Then lead them to a place where they can purchase or acquire the book. 

Expectations about Websites 


Once somebody has a website, whether they've done it themselves or hired somebody to do it for them, there's the expectation that sales and people will come down. A lot goes into the promotion side of having a digital presence.

Pua’s Favorite Clients 


Authors are one of Pua’s favorite clients to work with because they've already created their course. She encourages anybody who's written a book to at least consider turning the book content into a course. Allow them to sort of play back and forth with each other. If it's possible to have the book, you can guide people towards the course in the book.

Interacting with your Audience 


People interact in different ways. A video of yourself on your website would give your audience a better feeling of your personality. It makes them feel that the author is speaking directly to them as you walk through what's essentially the same content. 

 Solving Problems 


Pua says that as entrepreneurs, most of us have gotten into this industry because we want to solve a problem, help people, and make this world a better place. What a lot of us spend time doing is ironing out our ecosystem. So if you have a book, you can serve an audience with that sort of low to medium ticket offer that can provide amazing transformation and give them a taste of what that bigger package might look like if they want to continue working with you.

 Transforming Lives 


As Pua works with her clients, she aims to find how clients can gain success from her course. She thinks of the best way to deliver her course so her clients can see results. She says that It doesn't matter if you are an author, a course creator, a coach, if you have a physical product, you're providing a transformation and a solution, and you're creating ease for someone's life.

 The True Hero of the Story 


Create a course framework around the story brand framework or at least just the story's timeline and understand that the beginning must be about getting to know the hero. And those heroes are the clients that are getting to know themselves. It can't dive right into the solution, or you're going to lose people because they don't yet have that foundation of comfort, understanding, or awareness of where they're at to achieve the transformation. 

 Pua’s Words of Wisdom


Pua encourages people to take action and put perfection aside. Take your phone, prop it up on your desk, hit record, and begin creating content. People are out there suffering because they don't have whatever you're teaching. Know that your expertise, knowledge, or experience can help them. The sooner you can get that out into the world and into the hands of people who need it, the sooner this world will start to heal. Record one three-minute video and see how that feels. Watch it back, share it with somebody, and then take the steps that you need to package it up and put it out into the world.

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