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How to Best Create an Abundance Mindset to Market and Sell More Books - BM292

Do you want to know how to create an abundance mindset to market and sell more books?

Listen as intuitive and abundance coach, Julie Goetzinger shares her secret sauce to unblock limiting money beliefs to help you recognize and accept the value you offer your target market.

In this week's powerful episode "How to Best Create an Abundance Mindset to Market and Sell Your Books" you will discover...

  • How to recognize the money blocks that stand in your way of achieving  success
  • How to release and rewrite the money stories and beliefs that cause you unnecessary struggles
  • How to overcome limiting beliefs so you can believe in yourself and invite unlimited abundance into your life
  • How to handle the "naysayers" in your life who want to quash your hopes and dreams because of their own limitations
  • And a whole lot more...

Here's how to find out more about Julie's programs

Download your copy of Julie's abundance mindset meditation when you join the Book Marketing Mentors Premium Membership

Sponsored by Aviva Publishing. For over 30 years, we've dedicated
ourselves to support nonfiction authors on their journey to publish and
sell their books in bulk.

Our mission is to empower you to establish yourself as a leading
authority in a niche market.

Learn my Top 5 Book Marketing Tips!
Sign up for the “Book Marketing Kickstarter 5-Day Challenge”—it’s free!
