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How to Best Use the Power of Pins to Help Market Your Book - BM347

Find out how Pinterest's reach goes well beyond other social media channels,

Listen as Kate Ahl, Simple Pin Media, offers tools to unleash Pinterest as a branding powerhouse. 

Where posts on other social media channels tend to be stagnant, Pinterest acts more as a search-and-discovery engine. It drives business to your website by connecting directly with self-selected affinity groups already predisposed to actively engage with you.

In this week's powerful episode, "How To Use The Power Of Pins to Help Market Your Book" Kate highlights specific tools to help nonfiction authors...

  • Sharpen your keyword messaging
  • Create calls to action that capture end-users and even earn money through ads and other promotional opportunities
  • Avoid common beginner mistakes
  • And much, much more...

 If you’re not up to speed on all that Pinterest has to offer, then you need to listen to Kate Ahl’s words of wisdom!

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Have you ever wondered exactly how Pinterest is used? 
Do you lump it together with social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok? 
If so, then it’s time to get educated! 

I recently sat down with Kate Ahl, whose Simple Pin Media offers tools to take this versatile platform and use it as a marketing megaphone unlike any other. Since launching in 2014, Kate and her team of 40 experts have shown hundreds of Pinterest account holders how to showcase their best!

 Kate, who in addition to owning Simple Pin marketing agency also hosts the Simple Pin Podcast, walked me through all the gaps in my understanding of Pinterest and how it can be leveraged to promote nonfiction authors in particular. 

We discussed the unique search-and-discovery functionality that differentiates this platform from others. When deployed effectively, it can drive traffic and brand awareness in ways not available on Instagram, Facebook, or other social media channels. "It’s where people go to discover ideas. products, or things they want to dream into the future,” says Kate.

It was fascinating to hear about the niche marketing opportunities embedded within Pinterest’s non-chronological algorithms as well as how to side-step some of the most common mistakes new “creators” make in trying to reach “pinners.” 

Kate explains what it means to have a Pinterest strategy and tactics to ensure compelling connections. It starts by locating the target audience already primed and eager to hear about a topic in which they’re interested. I learned an incredible amount in a jam-packed 30-minute conversation – and so will you! 

 Click here to hear my interview with Kate. 


  • All about Pinterest and what its search-and-discovery functionality has to offer!
  • Rather than a social media platform (think Facebook or Instagram), Pinterest serves more as a search engine and place to locate products (think YouTube and Google).
  • Differentiators between Instagram and Pinterest 
  • How Pinterest’s “smart feed” drives traffic.
  • Your Pinterest profile is your personal stake in the ground with pins that demarcate content and ideas.
  • Why and how Pinterest can be a useful tool for nonfiction authors.  
    • Type in a phrase relevant to your work.
    • Do a deep dive into the words and phrases people are searching for.
    • Look for ways to tap into topics that are popular among users.
  • Niche marketing and how the Pinterest algorithm works via keywords.
  • Defining terms such as “boards” (essentially individual, discoverable binders full of clipped materials) and “creators” (business users), and “pinner” general users. 
  • Boards and content are the fodder for what comes up in “pinner” smart feeds and help prompt users to move off the platform and onto ancillary sites.
  • Strategic reasons for reaching Pinterest end-users: 
    • Email growth.
    • Raising brand awareness and profile visibility.
  • Tactics for reaching Pinterest end-users: 
    • Deploy tall images that act as a billboard (and stand out for their unique dimensions). 
    • Be consistent with the number and timing of posts.
    • Create multiple Pinterest images for single individual blog posts or other content.
    • Repeat posts (but use caution not to be overly redundant).
    • Avoid placing your logo in the bottom right corner, where Pinterest’s “visual search” button will block it from view.
    • Max out word limits for your pin description with SEO-rich terms.
    • Create a “call to action” graphic for a pin that links to your website. 
  • Pinterest doesn’t use a time-based algorithm, so posts and traffic aren’t pushed down by chronological time.
  • Different ways in which we can earn money from Pinterest activities: 
    • Through ads.
    • Affiliate marketing.
    • Creator rewards for “idea pins” that incentivize viewers to stay longer on the platform. (Find this option in the Pinterest settings dropdown – under the “Earn” option.)
  • Kate’s tips for avoiding common mistakes: 
    • Be sure to comb through all your profile settings to ensure everything is connected and accurately reflects your business and brand.
    • Be intentional with the images you choose. They are influential and quantity or speed does not trump quality. 
    • Be brief and catchy with images that tease and compel people to save or click on your pin.
    • Thoughtfully choose keywords that will connect with your target audience.
    • Give Pinterest marketing time. It’s not like-based instant gratification so can feel flat. It’s not! Plan a six- to eight-month investment to let the momentum build.
  • How Pinterest can help build email lists via opt-in opportunities for “How To” offerings.
  • Kate’s Golden Nugget: Set aside at least 30-60 minutes to poke around on the Pinterest platform without an agenda – just to figure out what you love. Chances are that anything that grabs you will also grab the audience you ultimately hope to reach.

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