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How to Best Use Video Podcasting to Share Your Expertise - BM324

Are you curious about how a video podcast works? Are you someone who wants to know all about video podcasting? 

This week’s guest expert and mentor is Sheryl Plouffe. She is a former Canadian TV broadcaster who established her own video production agency and consultancy. Sheryl is also the host of the podcast show ‘Cash In On Camera’ which helps businesses in marketing, content creation, media, and communication. In this episode, she discusses everything you need to know about video podcasting and her experience in the field.

Read more in the transcript

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Sheryl prefers to do a video podcast because she believes it allows the best of both worlds. Video conferencing was the main communication tool used all throughout the pandemic. This enabled the survival of businesses and helped various people to keep track of all that was happening. Moreover, a video podcast opens up the opportunity to be seen and heard through different platforms as it is both audio and video-friendly.


Some people like to watch and see the content itself rather than just listening to it. A video podcast allows people to express the content more through nonverbal cues like hand gestures and facial expressions. Meanwhile, this can also be demonstrated in audio podcasts through voice tonality and inflection. It all depends on the listener and what mode they prefer the most.

Controlling the Appearance of the Video


The appearance of your video podcast depends on the brand you are representing. If a necessary theme has to be followed, you may conduct a pre-interview call to discuss what needs to be done. In the call, you can discuss what background they should use, what it should look like, etc. 


Most people don’t care about their appearance. They simply care for the knowledge they will get from watching or listening to your content. However, as a podcaster, you don’t have to be perfect in every way; you just have to do your best. You must focus more on the value of your content rather than its appearance.

Video Podcasting Essentials


You can do two types of video podcasts: a live video podcast or a pre-recorded video podcast. Sheryl personally prefers live video podcasts. Pre-recorded video podcast has a long production process before it gets released. It needs to be edited, which you can do yourselves or hire an editor. They also require a lot of effort, time, money, and energy compared to the live video podcast. Instead of spending money on its production, spend it on income-generating activities. 


Sheryl uses a variety of tools to assist her in video podcasting. Her live-streamed podcast has the opportunity to get recorded. There is also a tool that allows her to put elements in her show which saves her time.



Mistakes rarely happen on live. Sheryl shared a tip on how you should just let it be and let the conversation flow. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Most people have difficulty detaching themselves from perfection, significantly affecting their desire to be perfect. Imperfections show how real the conversations are. Listeners prefer to have pure, unedited content. 


Unnecessary sounds like barking dogs, ringing doorbells, etc., are some things that you might want to edit out of your podcast. However, these things rarely happen. 


Editing a pre-recorded podcast can be time-consuming. Various elements need to be added whereas in a live podcast, the elements can be set up in real-time.

Monetizing a Podcast


When you start your podcast, you won’t immediately have a great audience. Monetization in the traditional model is challenging to do without an audience. You must show your target audience that you are worthy of support. You can also get help through sponsorships and advertising. However, before anything else, in the early stages of your podcast, you must define what profitability is to you. You must know how much your show is worth. You can also try expanding your network through collaborations, joint ventures, and affiliate relationships. Promoting your products and services can also be done in the podcast. As you make a way to grow your audience, you will be able to monetize your podcast. 

What Sheryl Offers


Sheryl offers to teach the four-step process of launching a live video podcast in 30 days. She helps people establish their video podcasts and provides the nine tech tools she uses in her podcast. 


·      “People don’t care that you have a bald cap on. What they care about is the value they are going to get from the interview.” – Sheryl Plouffe

·      “If you really start to concentrate on building your network, building your brand awareness and your content, and promoting your own products and services, you’re still being profitable in the early stages.” – Sheryl Plouffe

·      “Anyone can host a show. Anyone who can have and hold a conversation can have their own show. They can launch a talk show interview podcast and do it on video. It isn’t about perfection. It’s about getting out there and providing value to your audience. That’s really what your audience is hoping for.” – Sheryl Plouffe

Learn more about Sheryl Plouffe: