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How to Best Use Your Book to Create a Movement - BM354 


Want to use your book to create a movement?

Listen as Mark Mears, bestselling author, and leader in the business world is using his new book "The Purposeful Growth Revolution" to launch an inspiring movement. 
He's helping people discover their capacity for growth - whether as individuals or part of a team or organization! Tune in to learn more about this incredible journey toward true greatness.

In this powerful episode, you will discover...

  • How small individual efforts, make it possible to be part of an incredible movement that helps create positive change!
  • What strategies are best to build a strong and dedicated community of supporters
  • How to push past the mental barriers of fear, uncertainty, doubt, and delay, that hold us back from realizing our potential, 

And, a whole lot more...

Here's how to find out more about Mark, his book, and his mission for "Purposeful Growth"

Click here to schedule your complimentary 20-minute brainstorming session with Susan

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Susan Friedmann 00:00:00

Welcome to Book Marketing Mentors, the weekly podcast where you learn proven strategies, tools, ideas, and tips from the masters. Every week, I introduce you to a Marketing master who will share their expertise to help you Market and sell more books. 

Today. My special guest is Mark Mears. Mark is a keynote speaker, consultant, visionary, business leader, and Aviva Publishing Number One bestselling author of the book "The Purposeful Growth Revolution: 4 Ways to Grow from a Leader to Legacy Builder.  Mark is a business leader with a significant track record of building shareholder value. He's driven innovation and profitable growth among world-class high-profile brands such as PepsiCo, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, JCPenney, NBC Universal, and The Cheesecake Factory. Today, Mark serves as a Chief Growth Officer for Leaf Growth Ventures, LLC, a consulting firm helping individuals, teams, and organizations find purpose in fulfilling their growth potential while making a positive, lasting difference in the world. 

 Mark, it's a true pleasure to welcome you to the show, and thank you for being this week's guest expert and mentor.

 Mark Mears

Thanks, Susan. I really appreciate it. Looking forward to it.

Susan Friedmann 00:01:25

So, Mark, it's always a treat to be able to interview one of my Aviva Publishing authors. You guys are very special to me. Mark, you and your book were recently featured in Malta's CEO Business Magazine, where it talks about your book being not only just another business book but rather one that's designed to inspire a movement. That's something we've not really talked about very much on this program, the idea of a movement. Let's talk about the idea of writing a book that inspires a movement. Let's start with what was your purpose for doing this.

Mark Mears 00:02:08

Purpose is a great word because the book's titled The Purposeful Growth Revolution. It really kind of harkens back to a purpose statement that I wrote as I was putting together my own personal brand a few years back. And it is I don't want to just make money and retire. I want to make a difference and inspire. And that means making a difference in the lives of others and inspiring them to want to do likewise. And that's really what it's all about. When you talk about a movement, I call it a revolution, and it is about making a positive, lasting difference in the world by helping individuals, teams, and organizations find purpose and fulfilling their true growth potential.

 Susan Friedmann 00:02:47

It's really a legacy. I mean, you want to leave a legacy by starting this movement, is that correct?

Mark Mears 00:02:53

Yeah, actually, I refer to it as a living legacy because so many people think of legacy as something to bequeath after you're gone and where. I look at it as what can you do every day with an investment? And I use the word investment on purpose because with an investment, it's logical and reasonable to want a return. So you think about leaving a living legacy of how do you invest your time and how do you invest your talents? Or special gifts or superpowers, or maybe your treasures. Also, your triumphs and travails, which I look at as our experiences, the good, the bad, and the ugly. And how do you package that in a way that can enrich the lives of somebody else and inspire them to want to do likewise in what I call paying it backward.

 Susan Friedmann00:03:40

When you decided to write this book, was your mission right from the beginning to turn it into this revolution, this movement, or did that evolve as you were writing it?

 Mark Mears 00:03:55

That's a great question, Susan. I'll be honest. I think it evolved, or I'll say revolved, as world events transpired. And like I said, this book has been chasing me for a while. The original idea kind of morphed into now a bigger idea to try to create a movement behind this idea of purposeful growth. I think COVID really was the inspiration, if you will, behind why it's more important now than ever before that people understand that just to grow is one thing, but to grow into your purpose is much more fulfilling. 

And if you can do that not only in your life but in your work, that's where my thesis is tied to making sure that you feel purposeful even while you're working. And not that as adults, we have a third of our life we're at work, or a third we're sleeping, and a third we're awake and not. It should be more fulfilling in your work. And that's really what I want to get across. And in doing so, our businesses can make the world better and not just be a place where we punch in, punch out, get paid every other week and get benefits and then live our lives outside of work, but indeed feel a sense of fulfillment and purpose while at work.

 Susan Friedmann00:05:12

Yes, and I think that's so key these days, that people want to feel that their life is fulfilling some kind of purpose, and you're helping them do that. Now, a book that's written and now produced and published to create a movement, to inspire a movement or revolution, how do you go about Marketing that?

 Mark Mears 00:05:36

Mark well, I think that you start with building a case and using facts, in my case, and it's different for every one of your listeners. It was looking at recent research from the Sloan School of Management at MIT, who interviewed 34 million people who left the workforce during COVID and asked him a simple question why? The number one answer over ten times more than the second recorded answer was toxic culture. There were people that were tired of just punching a clock or working in an environment that was less than fulfilling or less than purposeful, or maybe even worse, something they just dreaded. 

 And I think COVID gave everybody a time out, if you will, to really deeply reflect on not only what, but who matters most in our lives. Whether we got COVID ourselves or a family member or someone close to us may have been hospitalized or worse yet, maybe died as a result of it. I think the isolation, the fear, the unknown really gave us that time to reflect. And so now, as we're kind of moving into this new world of work post-COVID, and even though COVID is still with us, it certainly isn't discouraged that it was. We're not just snapping back to normal, we have hybrid work environments now. 

 I don't think that's going to go back to being on premises full time. And so now we have to navigate this new world of work. So having facts behind you, and understanding what the challenges are that you feel your message can help solve. And again, for me, it'll be different than it will be for someone who, let's say, is a daycare professional and really wants to revolutionize that profession or someone else who's in a different location. But using facts to get your word out and then using various platforms to engage with those who you feel are your target audience. For me. It's LinkedIn. I created a LinkedIn newsletter. 

I've got a website that provides people with an opportunity of how they can grow with me in one of four areas the book itself, speaking, keynote speeches and other workshops and things of that nature, consulting for businesses, and also an elearning platform that I'm putting together for individuals. So I think there's a variety of different ways that we can create a movement depending on the substance and our thesis of what we're trying to communicate and the difference that we're trying to make in the lives of others.

 Susan Friedmann 00:08:09

What I really like about what you're saying, Mark is that what you've done with your book and what you're doing with it, I mean, it isn't a finished piece in terms of the repurposing. You're repurposing it in your newsletter, your elearning platform. I believe you also have an assessment that you created for people to take when they come to your website. All of these are allowing you to make it more than, just, as you say, a book. It's giving life to all of this, which you're doing, this revolution, this movement, this legacy builder. I love the title, Four Ways to Grow from Leader to Legacy Builder. That in and of itself sort of starts it's visceral. I just feel it in my body just saying those words.

Mark Mears 00:09:04

Well, everybody wants to be a better leader, Susan. Think about it's. A multi-billion dollar industry, from books to webinars seminars, trainings, blogs, blogs, newsletters, you name it. Everyone's signing up to want to learn how to be a better leader. And that's great. We should. And the reason I know there's such interest is if you Google the word leader or leadership, you'll get 1.7 billion with a B hits. If we all want to be a better leader, is that all there is? 

 I don't believe so. And that's where I believe becoming a legacy builder is really what will make your life more fulfilling by leaving a positive, lasting and living legacy behind. This is why I call it paying it backward, helping others along their growth journey so they'll be inspired to do likewise. And so that is really the thesis behind the book. You're going to pick up a ton of tips and hacks and trips and all sorts of things that I've learned over the years that are going to help make you a better leader. But what I'm most proud of are ways that I hope to inspire you to become more of a living legacy.

 Susan Friedmann00:10:16

Builder, which, again, just touches on those heartstrings for someone who has invested their life in a business, especially the owners of those businesses, that they want to see it continue. And maybe a family member doesn't want to take it on, and so they sell it to somebody else. But there is this legacy that's built in. Let's talk about this idea of growing the movement. How do you see growing it? I mean, is it going to have chapters? How do you see people building on your concepts?

 Mark Mears 00:10:54

Yeah, and I think that I'm not necessarily worried about whether it's me and my concepts or partnering with an organization that's already established. So for example, I'm blessed to be on the senior leader network for a global organization called Conscious Capitalism Inc. It has a mission statement that resonates very deeply with me and is very closely aligned with what I stand for. And it's essentially elevating humanity through business. For me, that's what I'm trying to do. That's my niche, is I'm a business person and I believe that there's a lot of headwinds facing humanity, from climate change to other environmental issues, sustainability to wealth inequality. I could go on and on and on. 

 Well, I believe that governments are not really doing what they could and should, and religious organizations can only do so much. But I believe businesses have the ability, the resources, the technologies and the manpower and the wherewithal to go beyond just making a profit, but making a difference in the lives of their communities and indeed the world. We've all seen and maybe recently Patagonia and what they stand for. They say, we're in business to save our home planet. That's their mission. For me, that's very inspiring. So when you are buying something, you look at what the company stands for and say, does this resonate with me? And if it does, maybe I'll pay extra for that or maybe I'll recommend them to someone else. 

So a movement takes on many different points of contact and some you can drive personally, but others you have to latch on to existing organizations who have maybe more resources and a bigger microphone. But it really starts with an uprising of the people. When I think about the word revolution has three meanings that I found the dictionary an uprising of the people and I think the people have spoken. I just mentioned 34 million people said we're fed up, we're not going to take it anymore and we want a new definition in this world of work that's more fulfilling. And then it's also a dramatic change in the status quo. 

That's something that we're seeing again with the notion of hybrid workplaces, people wanting to fit into this gig economy and have more flexibility and more freedom. Then the final one is an object encircling another. And that's this idea of purposeful growth which for me everything revolves around purposeful growth and it's different for all of us.

Susan Friedmann00:13:30

Yeah, there's a couple of things that you said that I want to hone in on. And one is the fact that you have sought out companies and are seeking out companies because obviously this is continuing who you resonate with their message and they resonate with your message. Yes, it's not all companies because obviously you can't go after all companies. 

 And also the fact that we spend more time at work than we do with our families and as you mentioned, religious environments. So yes, I mean work plays such an important role in most people's lives these days. Yes, this whole idea of resonating with the right kind of people who want to do what you are talking about here and this whole idea of this purposeful living and you mentioned Patagonia, for instance, having the mission statement that it does. 

 And what came to mind too was for instance, Paul Newman when he started his business when he gave, I believe, 100% of the profits of his products. Those have gone gangbusters over the years. I don't know how many years it's been out now. And I always look for that label because I know that they're doing good in the world. So yes, we do. We don't mind sometimes paying a little bit more. I mean, Patagonia is not cheap. 

There are people who've ever looked to purchase a piece of garment from them, the outerwear from them. And it was so funny because I was actually just in Patagonia in South America, every shop has got Patagonia this, Patagonia that. And I'm thinking, oh my goodness, Patagonia is everywhere. Well, of course it's because we're in Patagonia. They got the Patagonia beer but it has nothing to do with the company Patagonia. So yeah, that was just amusing when I suddenly realized, oh my goodness. But it had been in my brain just the name Patagonia and what it stood for.

 Mark Mears 00:15:41

I think we can all conjure up brands and experiences that we would say I feel better by patronizing that brand or buying this. And to the point where I might then take it to the highest form of Marketing is word of mouth, right? Where you say I vouch for this. So today we have ratings. I mean, who wouldn't? 

 Now, if you're buying an appliance or anything, go to look at the review and see what people are saying about it. Right? So I think it's all about building trust. And when you're creating a movement and when you're trying to make a difference, you're trying to build trust in people that you're standing on facts, it matters in their life and they are just looking for someone to follow, to do something that they would love to do themselves.

 Susan Friedmann 00:16:31

And that's also a very interesting point too, that we are looking for leaders. There are people who will be followers and will be the worker bees in this environment because we can't all be leaders.

 Mark Mears 00:16:47

Absolutely. And that's why I mentioned a few minutes ago everyone's looking to become a better leader but at some point you got to just lead. And then if you do that, people will go you know what? I had the same feeling. I was looking for someone who could maybe teach me this or help guide me through that. This is something that I believe in too and I want to follow it. That's how movements are created. Someone has to start it and then others have to come alongside and play their role, whatever that role may be.

 Susan Friedmann 00:17:15

In this case, it's you looking at this from the, I don't know, 6000ft view. What do you see? I mean, how this would evolve in your universe?

 Mark Mears 00:17:30

Well, that's a great question. I think every day it's kind of getting bigger and bigger as I hear from more people, as I've been blessed to serve as a guest on a great podcast such as this. It's giving me a platform to get the word out where others can say how do I join this movement? Well, you can buy the book and learn a little bit more about it. You can go to my website and learn how to grow with me in those four areas. Whether it's the book or speaking or consulting or elearning. 

 Look for ways that you can then pay it backward yourself. So whatever you learn, then you have your own sphere of influence. We all have a sphere of influence, some bigger than others, but we all have a sphere of influence. So how do we take information that we've heard, strategies or tactics and then apply them in our own life? Then how do we tell others about it and teach others about it so that it creates that ripple effect that really does create a movement over time. And what I'd love to see is more companies like Patagonia step up and take a leadership role. Because once you see one domino fall, 

I think more start to fall. And I think that's how we have seen throughout history is it takes a catalytic event that creates a step function change and then we don't go backwards, right? We're always moving forward and trying to progress as a civilization. But it takes one domino to fall and hit the others and before you know it, you've got a chain reaction and whatever role I can play in tipping that first domino over. I think there's already been some dominoes. So I don't look at it as myself, as a voice crying in the wilderness. I feel like I'm just trying to amplify a movement that's been started by others, but just putting it in a different context that maybe some of us individuals can grasp.

Susan Friedmann00:19:17

Do you see Mark training other people in your philosophy so that they can go out and sort of spread the word either to other businesses or obviously within their own business, but there are people who become purposeful Growth revolution revolutionaries. What would be the word?

 Mark Mears 00:19:38

Yes, that's exactly right, Susan. I'm creating what I'm calling the Purposeful Growth Academy. And so that will be built out over time because right now I have three employees, me, myself and I. Oftentimes we don't agree with one another. So for me, it's creating that catalytic spark that will then get people to want to join and then ultimately create this academy where people can go through the training and become certified as well as working with different companies. 

And getting the kind of results where they're going to want to recommend this approach to others and then training other people to do what I do so that it really broadens and gets amplified to more people, more places.

 Susan Friedmann 00:20:23

Well, and that's the savvy approach because with you talking about all these billions of companies and people in the workforce who aren't satisfied that you can't get to all of these people, you can be on a Zillion podcast, you can do a Zillion speaking gigs. It's not going to do it just Mark doing this alone. It needs to be other people who jump on the bandwagon and want to support this and believe in it because there's a belief factor. 

You and I were talking earlier about the idea of mindset and attitude towards this as well. Talk to us more about that because I know you went through an evolution with regard to your own mindset when it came to just even birthing this baby, this sort yeah, well, I'll tell.

Mark Mears 00:21:16

You, it's in the book. There's a chapter and it's called Get the FUD Out. And Thud is an acronym which tends for fear, Uncertainty, doubt, and delay. And if you think about fear as Fear failure or what will they think uncertainty is? Am I willing to give up maybe an unsatisfying status quo to reach out for what I feel I am truly called for and take the risk? And then doubt are those background voices that we often hear in our heads that are really lies that tell us you're not good enough, no one knows who you are. 

And it creates this imposter syndrome and that becomes maybe a road towards self-sabotage that's like wet cement that can harden if you allow it to. And all that then leads to delay. Because with all that, who wants to move forward. So I'll just put it off for another day. Overcoming thud has been probably the biggest mindset challenge that I've faced in my entire life. It's real. And so all of you out there who are authors, you know what I'm talking about. 

You may have a vision and you may be inspired, but you might be also stagnated by the blood that can creep in. And so I have an anecdote, which is faith can overcome fear, and hope can overcome uncertainty, belief can overcome doubt. And then action, purposeful action, can overcome the paralysis of delay. Once you break through, it is a sense of freedom and peace and fulfillment that I've never felt before in my life. It's very satisfying.

 Susan Friedmann 00:22:53

It's beautiful.

Mark Mears 00:22:55

I love that.

Susan Friedmann 00:22:55

And it's so funny because doing my book Marketing Mastery program, we talked about the whole mindset and attitude and then the imposter syndrome creeping in. And so I'm going to go back to my participants and share this fudge with them because I think it's beautiful. Thank you. And every author goes through it. You're right. And even you don't go through it writing it. Once you want to put it out in the Marketplace, you start second-guessing yourself, well, is this good enough? Will people like it? 

 Will people buy it? Will people read it? Will they judge me? All this nonsense that goes on in your head, this inner voice that really can stop you in your tracks, as you rightly say, and you start doubting yourself, well, why did I do this? I've invested all this time, energy, money, blood, sweat and tears and what. And then you delay it because you're like, well, maybe tomorrow. Somehow tomorrow never seems to come. So, Mark, this is all fabulous. Can you tell our listeners more about how they can find out more about the book, about you, and if they want to jump on the bandwagon and help with this legacy-building? How can they do that?

Mark Mears 00:24:11

Yeah, I think that you mentioned myself assessment tool. It's a purposeful growth self-assessment, and I think it's a great place to start. And you go to my website, which is MarkAMearscom, and that will kind of give you an overview of who I am, where I come from, what I stand for. 

And then there are four ways to grow with me. I'm a growth junkie, and so I believe in learning about growth in all of its forms. And you can see how the book can answer a few questions that maybe that you have about your own personal or professional growth and position you for a successful life and leaving a living legacy for the benefit of others. You can look at ways to hire me as a speaker and then consulting for your business, as well as when I get the Purposeful Growth Academy built out. 

Be able to take some master classes to get you started. All that could be found on my website. And then if you're so inclined that you want to hit me up on LinkedIn, you can do so as well. I put out a monthly newsletter and then I post a lot of content that I think you'll find enriching. And it all supports this notion of a purposeful growth revolution and allows you to then share that information again to your own sphere of influence and then be motivated to help support this idea of purposeful growth in all of its forms.

Susan Friedmann 00:25:36

Beautiful. And as you know, Mark, you know this podcast well. We always end with a golden nugget. What would you like to leave our listeners with?

Mark Mears 00:25:47

Well, I think in the spirit of purposeful growth, I would say. And my growth metaphor is all based on a leaf serving as a metaphor for growth, but also an acronym which stands for leadership, Engagement, Accountability and Fulfillment, which are four intertwined growth processes that I found to help individuals, teams and organizations find purpose and fulfilling their true growth potential by doing so paying it backward to help others. 

So my nugget would always stay green and growing. Be curious, be risk-taking. Reach higher than you thought you could explore and adventure more. We're only given one life, and so stay green and growing and you'll continue to grow tall and thrive in whatever purpose your life takes you.

 Susan Friedmann 00:26:37

Yeah, I love that. That's beautiful. Yes. Always stay growing. That's just the way it needs. Otherwise, as we know, the opposite is if you're not ripening and growing, you're rotting and dying. So let's rather grow and take on that. It's beautiful. So. Thank you, Mark. You've been amazing. I knew you would. Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom and teaching us more about what it takes to start a movement and start a revolution. So I really appreciate you. Thank you. 

 By the way, listeners, if your book isn't selling the way you wanted or expected to, let's you and I jump on a quick call and brainstorm ways to ramp up those sales. Because, you know, you've invested a whole lot of time, energy, and money, and it's time you got the return you were hoping for. So go to to schedule your free call. In the meantime, I hope this powerful interview sparks some ideas you can use to sell more books. So until next week, he is wishing you much book and author marketing success.

Here's how to find out more about Mark, his book, and his mission for "Purposeful Growth"

Click here to schedule your complimentary 20-minute brainstorming session with Susan