Make Money with Your Non-Fiction Book โ€” Part 1 book marketing Jan 29, 2021

Whether you’ve already published a book, have written but not yet published, or you’re in the throes of writing a book, I invite you to open your mind to some different opportunities.


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Polishing Your Attitude mindset Jan 25, 2021

According to marketing guru, Seth Godin, “The difference between winners and losers, isn’t talent, it’s attitude.” Your attitude is like a diamond. Each and every facet...

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Making Your Marketing Matter โ€” Part 2 mindset Jan 15, 2021

Mindset (noun): A way of thinking; an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one.

Before writing this article, I sent out a research survey asking authors what stood in their way of marketing...

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Making Your Marketing Mindset Matter โ€” Part 1 mindset Jan 05, 2021

Mindset (noun): A way of thinking; an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one.

Before writing this article, I sent out a research survey asking authors what stood in their way of marketing...

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Turning Disaster into Book Success book marketing Dec 29, 2020

This disaster to success story happened almost 19 years ago in January 2002. However, the lessons learned are as apt today as they were then.

It happened while attending the National...

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3 False Book Marketing Beliefs book marketing Dec 21, 2020

Whether fiction or nonfiction, there are some strong beliefs many authors support when writing and publishing their work. And, when these beliefs are examined closely, you’ll find, for the...

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Are You Stuck in the Book Launch Doldrums? book marketing Dec 14, 2020

You’re a champ. You finished your book. You’ve fulfilled a dream, an incredible feat. One that makes others green with envy because they’re still at the “author...

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Never Say Never! mindset Jun 15, 2020

I was working in PR in Birmingham, England. I loved my job and even though I say it myself, I was also pretty good at it as well. I had the skills, industry insights, heaps of practical experience,...

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